Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Our state legislature and government have a huge impact on life in our locality. Join with other individuals from all faith traditions across the state to advocate with our legislators, the Governor, and state policymakers for equity and justice for all Virginians. Your voice makes a difference!
We aim to provide a complete and accurate history of African Americans and their accomplishments in Fauquier County, Virginia. We use oral history, primary source documents from family, church, school, circuit court, state, and federal records. We are open to the public, schools and other organizations interested in genealogy and local history.
League of Women Voters
of the Prince William-Fauquier Area
We work to help everyone become involved in their government, through registering voters and educating the public on important issues we have studied. Completely non-partisan, we advocate at local, state, and federal levels and conduct many registration drives, especially at area high schools and naturalization ceremonies, and organize candidate debates. We also distribute voting information and write position papers that are valued by journalists and legislators.
Coming to the Table
Our organization's founders are descendants of enslaved people as well as their enslavers. At our monthly meetings we explore creating a just and truthful society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from the racial wounds of the past, from slavery and the many forms of racism it spawned. Please visit our website for meeting details and more about what we do.
Piedmont Race Amity Project
We work with groups and individuals to advance race equity. Our facilitated community conversations provide a safe space for honest, non-judgmental discussion on topics of race, racism and racial healing. We build a strong web of mutual support toward community action.
NAACP — Fauquier Branch 7059
We focus on the crucial issues of our time, all of which affect our local community. These include the housing crisis; bias and unfairness in health, education, and criminal justice; voter rights and participation; and economic development. Join one of our many working committees to create positive change in Fauquier County.